Amstel Pause

Amstel Pause

A vending machine that asks you to do… nothing.

Client: Amstel (2013)
My Role: Idea and Communications


Relaunch Amstel on the Bulgarian market as the leisure time beer for professionals.


Many working people can’t take a proper break after work because of their “always connected,” “always hurrying” pace of life.


To encourage people to unwind, we created Amstel Pause. Unlike other vending machines at the time asking you to do stuff, Amstel Pause just wanted you to spend 3 minutes in peace.

The machine used motion and distance sensors to determine whether the participant stays still and had motors to show progress and give feedback for success or failure.

The reward? A can of chilled beer to enjoy your free time with.


The YouTube video for the activation gained nearly 400 000 views without any paid advertising.

“All we can say is that if we were Kit Kat, we’d be pretty pissed that we didn’t do this first.”

“A seeming Homer Simpson dream machine.”

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